


 电子邮件: zhouyu@fzu.edu.cn


2024.1 入选38238威尼斯欢迎你旗山学者(海外项目)

2023.12至今 38238威尼斯(讲师)

2020.9~2023.10 香港城市大学 系统工程系 博士

2017.9~2023.6 中南大学 机电工程学院 机械工程 博士(硕博连读)

2013.9~2017.6 湖南师范大学 工程与设计学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 学士


1. 香港研究资助局,Dual-scale Spatiotemporal Learning Based Multiscale Detection for BMS under Edge Sensor Network,GRF: General Research Fund,9043524,2023-09 至 今,100万元,在研,参与

2. 香港研究资助局,Parallel Models Based Spatial Abnormal Detection for Distributed Parameter Process,GRF: General Research Fund,9042909,2020-01 至 今,48万元,在研,参与


[1] Zhou Y, Wang BC, Li HX*, Yang HD, Liu Z. A surrogate-assisted teaching-learning-based optimization for parameter identification of the battery model, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2020 Nov 18, 17(9):5909-18.

[2] Zhou Y, Li HX, Xie SL. Fast modeling of battery thermal dynamics based on spatio-temporal adaptation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2021 Apr, 18(1):337-44.

[3] Zhou Y, Deng H, Li HX*, Xie SL. Dual separation-based spatiotemporal modeling methodology for battery thermal process under nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2021 Feb, 7(4):2260-8.

[4] Zhou Y, Li HX*, Xie SL. Space-Decomposition-Based Spectral Modeling for Distributed Battery Thermal Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2021 Nov, 8(2):1634-41.

[5] Zhou Y, Deng H, Li HX*. Optimal-Sensing-Based Recursive Estimation for Temperature Distribution of Pouch-Type Batteries, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2023 Mar, 9(1):912-19.

[6] Zhou Y, Deng H, Li HX*, Xie SL. Data-driven Real-time Prediction of Pouch Cell Temperature Field Under Minimal Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2023 Mar, 9(1):1034-41.

[7] Zhou Y, Deng H, Li HX*. Control-Oriented Galerkin-Spectral Model for 3-D Thermal Diffusion of Pouch-Type Batteries, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2023 Oct.

[8] Lei L, Zhou Y*, and Yang G. Multisource information fusion-based environment perception and dynamic model of underwater vehicle in irregular ocean environment, Information Fusion. 2023 Jun, 94:257-71.

更多详见 ResearchGate


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification,Journal of Process Control 等期刊审稿人


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